Let’s Talk Feelings: How Online Data Determines Sentiment Analysis

Raluca P.
5 min readJun 2, 2021


Emotional stimuli influence our decisions. You may use sentiment analysis to determine which messages and discussions work as emotional triggers, causing customers’ moods to shift. For example, the statement ‘someone will contact you shortly” is likely to irritate customers.

Discovering what messages cause your clients to feel specific emotions may help you provide better service and create more successful marketing assets. In order to stay on track, there is a good amount of data that first needs to be collected.

What does Sentiment Analysis mean?

The process of gathering, classifying, and evaluating text using natural language processing (NLP) and computer linguistics methodologies is known as sentiment analysis. This sort of research helps firms better understand how customers react to different brands and products.

Positive, negative, and neutral behavioral expressions are all classed as such. In general, businesses try to determine if a customer’s response is good or unfavorable. As a result, it’s simpler to grasp sentiment analysis if the imprecise or neutral language is removed from the study and the polarity between positive and negative language is stressed.

For instance, it’s simpler for a large corporation like Walmart to modify marketing strategies if there’s widespread agreement on what products are universally liked.

Market analysts can use sentiment analysis to determine what companies should focus on improving. For example, depending on the data gathered, a corporation can discover that people like their customer service but are dissatisfied with the product quality.

Leaving a remark or review, thanks to contemporary technology, is a quick and straightforward activity on the side of the consumer.

One of the primary benefits of sentiment analysis is that it automates collecting all accessible input. Businesses may then sift out unnecessary material and get to the essence of what customers want by automating the process and by employing tactics like web scraping, which automatically collects the data you need.

Since you have to walk the walk, the art of sentiment analysis must be threaded with care. I have compiled a list of areas where it can improve your marketing strategy down below:

Customer feedback treated with empathy

Consumers nowadays utilize their social media sites to express both positive and bad interactions with brands.

Using a web scraping tool for sentiment analysis can gather all of the customer feedback juice in a streamlined, time-efficient manner. To take it even further, you can use a sentiment analysis program afterward to put that data to work.

This process can detect positive mentions indicating strengths, as well as negative mentions indicating unfavorable reviews and difficulties that consumers confront and write about online. This makes customer service more attentive and responsive in some circumstances because the customer support team is alerted in real-time about any adverse responses.

Any problems must be reported as soon as possible to the support team. Customer support benefits from a speedy response time because the mentions are identified so rapidly. This makes managing the customer experience smoother and more engaging.

Market research for all

Sentiment analysis deals with large amounts of data and narrows it down into an organized list, making it a valuable supplement to any market research project.

Whether you’re looking at whole markets, niches, sections, goods, their specific characteristics, or industry hype, sentiment research helps you understand what people enjoy, disapprove of, and foresee. All of this information enables you to perform more focused market research, which improves the decision-making process.

Make social media your friend

A basic estimate of your social engagements merely informs you how often your business is being discussed online. What’s the true meaning behind all of this? This question may be answered with the use of social media sentiment analysis.

Opinion mining is a word used to denote social media sentiment analysis. That’s because it’s all about delving into the language and context of social media postings to figure out what people are saying.

As you track social sentiment across time, you’ll begin to see how your content might affect how your followers see you.

You may discover more about what your audience truly wants by tracking trends and looking into spikes in positive or negative sentiment. This might help you figure out what type of messaging you should use on each social media platform. You could even learn something new that will help you improve your entire brand strategy and product development.

Alternatively, it might assist you in determining how actions you’ve taken offline are resonating in the social realm.

A firm grip on your reputation

If the overall dialogue about your brand is shifting, you may check for variations in average sentiment to reflect adjustments in perception. Keep an eye out for distinct sentiment trends and patterns, as well as how they relate to other social media indicators.

Another application of sentiment reporting is to see how people react to specific campaigns, launches, or events.

A PR healing strategy

You hope your company never has to deal with a branding catastrophe, but you should be prepared in case it does.

There are several ways that social listening might assist you in anticipating a potential disaster.

Working with whoever is in charge of your company’s PR or corporate communications might help you recognize a problem before it becomes a full-blown disaster.

And, if a crisis occurs, the ability to monitor and filter information based on emotion makes it simpler to manage communications and get things back on track.

Competition never sleeps

You might know how much I like competitive study and analysis. And sentiment analysis can help with that as well.

By setting up ways to track your rivals’ mentions, you can gauge sentiment, in the same manner, you would for your own brand. Measure and report on how your rivals are discussed on social media using sentiment analysis. This way, you are able to look for good mentions for inspiration and negative ones for possibilities to develop a community or generate leads.

Data with feelings

If data is king, sentiment analysis is the queen that does not only protect a business from a checkmate but enables all the pawns, knights, and rooks to propel themselves into the endgame strategy.

After all, how people feel about a certain product or service shapes experiences both ways. So, your next order of business should be finding a program that can help you gather sentiment data. I’d recommend an API since it’s both fast and cheap. I ran into this cool article that talks about a few interesting APIs, one of them being a sentiment analysis app.



Raluca P.

Passionate full-stack developer with a knack for writing🖊️